Today is my last day in Aberystwyth. After just over 5½ years working for Aberystwyth University Guild of Students, I'm relocating to Pembrokeshire where I've just bought a house with my partner.

It's definitely been a period of mixed emotions for me recently. Due to my partner's job I always knew it would have to be me to make the move in our relationship that, until now, had 70 miles between us. Now the time has come I'm excited about the future, sad to leave the great people at AberGuild yet also a little uneasy being as I'm yet to find a new job!

I've had my ups and downs whilst in Aber, but on the whole this town has given me some of the best experiences of my life. If anyone's reading this and thinking about coming to Aberystwyth University, I say do it! It's a brilliant place with brilliant people and Aber will always be in my heart.